Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vision without action is a dream, action without vision is a nightmare (Robert's Rule #5)

[Tweeted 2011-04-29]

We'll start off a short post with the rule today. A vision without action is just a dream; action without a vision is a nightmare (Robert's Rule #5).

One of the things that I have consistently argued against in every organization I've worked for is what I call "Getting Shit Done Syndrome", or GSD. (Feel free to think of it, or call it, "Getting Stuff Done Syndrome" if you'd like.)

There's a simple argument behind this that goes something like this...
  • If you're in "information technology" then you're in a knowledge economy
  • If you're in a knowledge economy then your product is knowledge and information
  • If the product is knowledge and information, that requires thinking more than doing
  • Therefore, you're paid to think, and then do, not just do
I cannot even begin to name the times I've seen my fifth rule in action; the number of examples I could give are countless. So, rather than pull out one experience from hundreds, I'll just say that if you don't consider this rule valid prima facie then our experiences are so different we may not be able to find any common ground.

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