Saturday, May 19, 2012

Don’t be the one who shoots second (Robert's Rule #24)

So, who shot first, Han or Greedo? We all know that Han did, right? He may be a smuggler and a total cheat, but he's no fool...right?

Here's the thing. We hate change. All of us. We hate change so much that addressing change is even built into our religions in one form or another, whether our religion insists that the supreme being does not change or whether our religion promotes the idea that it is our response to change that is problematic. Only one thing is clear - since before Heraclitus' proclamation that no one steps into the same river twice, we have recognized that change in the human sphere is inevitable.

"What", you may ask, "does that have to do with Han and Greedo"?

Han and Greedo had met before and though Greedo had been humiliated in the past, this meeting was decidedly different. Greedo was prepared to shoot Han; however, Han also knew this meeting represented a change in behavior and shot Greedo.

We all face changes in jobs, technology, and lifestyles that affect our career. The trick is to know when to pull the trigger and do things differently. For some changes, the trigger will undoubtedly get pulled for you rather than by you, and in some cases you'll likely be on the wrong end of the blaster and be left in the cantina. Try to minimize those instances. Wait until the last moment if you must, but don't be the one who shoots second. (Robert's Rule #24)

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