Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Journey of One Thousand Miles: Different styles and uses of progress indicators

One feature, common to nearly every process (and especially most processes in ecommerce), is something that indicates progress - a map, if you will, that shows your current location relative to the destination. Even our Instant Pot has a display that indicates when pressure builds and releases. But, just as every process is different, there should be different techniques that indicate the process and the current state.

One of the most common uses of progress indicators is in multi-page forms - that's certainly where I've had the most exposure to them. In general, they're intended to reduce cognitive load in a process, and they can either succeed or fail, often with significant results.

In the Web Accessibility Initiative section for multi-page forms, several different methods for identifying progress are put forward. The methods used to indicate progress for multi-page forms can be briefly described as (a) landmark content, (b) a progressbar, and (c) a step-by-step indicator - and I'll take each of them in turn to discuss how they might be used and whether or not they can, or should, apply to other types of progress.

Landmark Content

The use of landmark content to identify progress is almost always a good method, especially when - as the first approach identified by the WAI - updating the title element is used. As a general rule, assistive technology will announce changes to the page title. The other approach in the landmark content method, updating the main heading - i.e. the h1 element - is also a good approach as many users navigate using headings and it is, or at least should be, more visible than the page title. Rather than use one of these approaches, use both.

Of course, there are disadvantages to using this method. Neither approach - updating the page title or updating the main heading - is likely to be sufficient if the user has scrolled far enough. Updates are likely to be noticed only by users who have the main heading in their field of vision or are using assistive technology that announces changes. Also, both approaches in this method update content, so not all accessibility is improved - the user still must either read, or have assistive technology that will read, the updated content.

A Progressbar

A progressbar generated using a progress element with a value of 1 and a max of 3, as rendered by Chrome
(from a progress element, rendered in Chrome)
HTML5 offers a progress element that takes a max attribute and a value attribute to draw a visual representation. The progress element takes content, which must be updated, as in <progress max="7" value="1">Step 1 of 7</progress>. However, in some platforms, a progress bar is animated in a way that would violate the Web Content Authoring Guidelines Success Criterion 2.2.2, an A-level criterion.

Like several of the additions in HTML5, the progress element is not very accessible, so it's still recommended a better widget - one that uses the progressbar role with aria-valuemin, aria-valuemax, and aria-valuenow - be used, but be advised that automatic updates to the value in a progressbar role are not well-defined.

The progressbar, whether implemented using the HTML5 progress element or a widget that uses the progressbar role, may be sufficient if the progress reflected is proportional, such as a file transfer showing the number of bytes transferred. The interface is not well-suited to processes where one or more steps is larger, or takes more time, than others.

A Step-by-step Indicator

An ordered list as a step-by-step indicator
Step-by-step Indicator
The third method - a step-by-step indicator - can help users orient themselves in multiple ways. First, the user should be able to clearly see how much progress they've made, whether the progress within each segment is proportional or not. Second, the content should reflect not only steps already completed but the current step, and not-started, or upcoming, steps. In this method, there are three common approaches we can use, and each will apply to different cases.

Fixed-Journey Indicator

The basic step-by-step indicator presented for multi-page forms by the WAI is an ordered list, with list items that have visually hidden content to indicate which item is completed or current. This is likely sufficient, if the progress is a consecutive series of unidirectional steps under the control of the user - although the WAI example should be updated to reflect capabilities available in the ARIA states and properties.


If, progress is bidirectional or the user may complete steps in a non-consecutive manner, the interface should be a navigational one which allows the user to choose the step they'd like to complete. This step-by-step indicator becomes more complex as it not only needs to include completed, current, and not-started states but also accessible navigation between the steps. This sort of navigational, step-by-step indicator is often called a breadcrumb because it's more than just a progress indicator.

This type of progress indicator should especially be used for multi-page forms if those forms cause legal commitments or financial transactions to occur or update user-provided data that has been stored to help meet WCAG Success Criterion 3.3.4 as it aids in the review, confirmation, and correction of information.

Status Indicator

The third type of step-by-step indicator is a status indicator. The status indicator is still, semantically, an ordered list, but a status may switch in a non-consecutive manner and the status is likely to be outside the control of the user. An example of this might be a payment transaction that moves from pending to authorizing to completed or a document retrieval that moves from requesting to receiving to received to loaded. In either of these cases, an intermediate step may be skipped, e.g., the payment may appear to move from pending to completed or the document may move from receiving to loaded.

This type of progress indicator is perhaps the most complex, because the user interface is not really a progress indicator but a status indicator (hence the name). The upcoming statuses need not be announced because their inclusion is likely to reduce cognitive accessibility - the user can do nothing to either prevent or encourage the move to that state. Further, announcing which of the items in the list is current lacks the context that the visual interface has, so identifying completed and current items is a little more complex.

It is also important to note that because this indicator is auto-updating and representing something outside the control of the user, it is critical that it only be used for those activities that are essential. If the interface is used for a part of an activity that is non-essential, the auto-update feature without the ability to pause, stop, or hide the update will violate WCAG Success Criterion 2.2.2, just as the HTML5 progress element would.


Any of the four different types of progress indicators - a progressbar, a fixed-journey indicator, breadcrumbs, or a status indicator - can be sufficient to describe process. While they have areas of overlap, each has a specific interface that leads to a design pattern and accessibility features.

In the very near future, I will be launching a gitbook called Think A11y that will be covering components like this, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, in an effort to put my accessibility resources in one location. This blog will still cover accessibility issues from time to time, but hopefully this new approach will make my electronic life a little easier to manage and share. In the meantime...

Happy coding.

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