Monday, February 8, 2016

A Question of Semantics

Aztec pyramidOver the past (nearly) 20 years, one of the webhead topics for which I have been an advocate is the creation of semantic code. In the beginning, it was "semantic markup" because markup was really all we had. A little while later we added stylesheets and several of us also began thinking in terms of semantic styles. Now we're seeing other features, such as animation, carry meaning and are beginning to think of them in "semantic" terms as well1. Each of these has been layered upon the other - a figurative Aztec pyramid. semantic and what does it mean to write semantically and why worry about whether or not our markup, or CSS, or any other level of code is semantic?

First, let's address what we mean by writing "semantic code".

Let's begin by saying that not all code is semantic. We spend significant time considering the content of a web site, a page, or an application and how it carries meaning, but the code that wraps the content can either carrying meaning or not. When I wrap content in a DIV or P tag, I know something more about the content than content that is simply terminated with a line break (BR tag). If I use HTML5 and wrap content in an ASIDE tag or ARTICLE tag, I know even more about the content than if I had wrapped them in a DIV or P tag.

As another example, if I wrap a number in a SUP tag the only thing I know about that number is how it should be displayed; however, if I wrap a number in a SPAN tag with a semantic class attribute - footnote, for example - I now know something more about that number. Similarly, when I add WAI-ARIA2 attributes, such as aria-describedby even aria-hidden I am describing the content even more fully3 just as surely if I use an EM or STRONG tag instead of an I or B tag.

To put it simply, semantic code includes not only content, but meta-communication about that content.

So, why worry about whether or not our markup, or CSS, or any other code is semantic? The simple answer is that the meta-communication in code is as important, and in similar ways, as tone and body language are in verbal communication. The importance of meta-communicating code is easily seen when assistive technologies, such as screen readers like JAWS or VoiceOver, are used. Simply consider the difference between a I (italics) tag and an EM (emphasis) tag or a B (bold) tag and a STRONG (strong emphasis) tag. One category is visually oriented, but the other is both visually and verbally oriented, leading to a not only richer, but more precise, with less cognitive load...and the lower the cognitive load, the better the user experience (which anyone who is "customer-focused" wants).

At this point you might be thinking "I see the importance of semantic markup and using ARIA semantics, but why bother with the rest". Consider this - what do you think your experience would be like if face-to-face communication were missing an element of meta-communication. Would you gather as much meaning? Would it be as complete? As a society, we generally don't think so, which is why we have all sorts of assistive technology intended to help us compensate for missing elements - each element is significant. This significance should be carried over into the coding world. I would posit that we ought to go so far as to say that when any element of the code does not qualify as semantic that the code as a whole is not semantic.

At this point we have only discussed general benefits of semantic code in relation to humans. I haven't even touched on the benefits of semantic code in relation to machines. By using semantic CSS, for example, browser plugins are able to interface more fully with other applications - like calendars - especially when the CSS is a microformat. This opens the door to creation of a number of symbiotic relationships between your code and existing applications, especially in mobile channels where we have merely scratched the surface.

Beyond what we typically think of as code, however, we must also make sure other features - like animation - are semantic (seriously, if you haven't read Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design yet, go do it) or, at the very least, don't break our semantic model, just as we ought make certain those features in the user interface do not increase cognitive load. One of the methods people who design user interfaces have used for decades that helps maintain a semantic approach and also tends to reduce cognitive load is skeuomorphism4. One of the most common historic examples of this method is making a data input form mimic the paper version; however, there are numerous other examples - folder and file images for directories on a computer or an image of a envelope for mail or email are just two examples.

In a previous post I wrote about a different (credit/debit) card input form I had developed5. Although that post discussed, in more general terms, creating a form that validates a credit/debit card including determining the brand, it links to an input form that uses a minimalist style - and there are reasons to use a minimalist, semantic approach at times - and contains the JavaScript to perform the validation. One of the deficiencies in that prototype, however, is the lack of semantic animation (in the minimizing of the account number input). That deficiency is addressed in another prototype where I take a skeuomorphic approach and create a card input form that looks and behaves much like its real-world counterpart. Feel free to take a look at both prototypes and see which is a more complete, user-friendly experience. I'm confident you'll find the more complete the semantic approach, the better the experience. (Of course, a combination of the two - the technical validation of version 1 and the skeuomorphic design of version 2 - is probably closer to ideal.)

All the issues I've brought to the fore so far are focused on the customer (user) experience, as they should be. However, there are other sides to the use of a semantic approach - SEO advantages and your (hopefully) friendly interface engineer, for example. Although the SEO benefits of the use of semantic markup and styles are becoming less dramatic than they were in the past, they are still present, and that will likely not change. A document a machine can read and understand will always fare better than one that is less understandable. As for interface engineers - semantic code makes understanding what is likely to be a complex solution a little easier. Reducing the cognitive load for an interface engineer generally means more productivity and less frustration. More productivity and less frustration will generally result in better code, so getting into the practice of writing semantic code can become a self-reinforcing loop and make the world a better place. Best of all, it means more happy coding.

Reference Notes (please note that links open in a new window).
  1. Al Hazwani, Amin and Bernard, Tobias. Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design. A List Apart. 19 January 2016. (accessed 31 January 2016)
  2. The WAI-ARIA specification divides the accessibility semantics into roles, states, and properties. You can see that specification at
  3. The WAI-ARIA semantics are very powerful, and getting their usage just right can be difficult, so if you're new to the whole "Accessible Rich Internet Applications" space, start with the W3C's ARIA Primer.
  4. Skeuomorphism is the practice of making virtual items - such as data input forms - resemble their real-world counterpart. (
  5. King, Robert, 'A Better Credit Card', Getting Paid to Think [weblog]. 28 December 2012,

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