Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Unnecessary Complexity: A case against ReactJs

I'll admit, even though the title of this post might imply otherwise, my experience with ReactJs is limited. Unlike a lot of UI engineers, I have been working primarily in pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript since I began more than two decades ago. Oh, sure I've used popular JavaScript “libraries” in the past – like YUI – and I've written more than a few over the years for some pretty big companies. I've also used some pretty popular “frameworks” – like BackboneJs – and combined them with other JavaScript libraries (e.g., NodeJs, Express, and DustJs). Overall, though, even though I had no prima facie opinion of ReactJs, I've avoided it – in much the same way that I've avoided winning the lottery – but all that has changed with the current workscape as more and more companies adopt ReactJs.

I should mention that I'm generally not a fan of any websites or applications built without using Progressive Enhancement, but then if you've read much of my writing you already know that, so the subtitle – A case against ReactJs – is a little misleading as this isn't just a case against ReactJs but against a practice of which the use of ReactJs is just an example.

I also must point out that I'm not a fan of the WSOD that results from many JavaScript-driven pages. While that's more a general issue with client-side frameworks and how they're woven into a front-end architecture, it also applies to ReactJs. I'm also not a fan of loads of JavaScript that is dependency heavy, intercepts DOM events, encourages a development process that isn't progressive, or discourages graceful degradation.

So, why single out ReactJs when it's clearly not the only library to do this? Good question. It's popular. Massively popular. From the number of job descriptions including it as either a requirement or “nice-to-have”, it's pretty easy to see that without knowledge of or experience with this particular library (it's not a framework), it's becoming very difficult to even get past the CV screening phase.

Although ReactJs is not the only example of client-side libraries that dot the Interwebz landscape, as one of (arguably) the most popular libraries, it bears close examination. And although ReactJs isn't the only example of what's wrong with UI engineering – there are plenty of other examples – most of them boil down to the willingness of engineers to sacrifice the user experience in an effort to make their job easier.
The more layers are piled into increasingly complex systems, the more failure paths we introduce. We’ve learned that automation does not eliminate errors. Rather, it changes the nature of the errors that are made, and it makes possible new kinds of errors. Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger

I hear you, and yes, they do say that it's a poor craftsman that blames his tools, which means all this flak I'm directing toward ReactJs might be misplaced. Am I not just blaming a tool for poorly-written code? There are two distinct lines of response that I would take. First, saying that it's a poor craftsman that blames his tools does not imply that the tools used are unimportant. No craftsman would wield a dull blade that made rough cuts when fine cuts were the goal. Every craftsman knows that other famous tool-related expression that clearly says when the only tool you have is a hammer that everything looks like a nail. There is a tool appropriate to every job. Second, I would posit that libraries and frameworks – things like ReactJs – are not, in fact, tools.

If we look at the artisan analogy, the tools in that case are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Libraries like ReactJs, and even frameworks like AngularJs, are not really an artisan's tools – they're not the base ingredients that make up a dish, the closer analogy is that they're the prepared foods other artisans have made. As prepared foods, they make the kitchen's job easier, but at a cost, because they remain in the end product even after it's gone to market. They're the frozen, processed food of the Interwebz, encouraging people working in the kitchens to masquerade as Beard Award winners.

Taking this foodie analogy further, as each new processed food is typically built upon other processed foods, the list of ingredients (dependencies) grows longer as “more layers are piled into increasingly complex systems”. These increasingly complex systems (dishes) are not only more fragile but also fraught with other issues, such as increased payload size (which is an issue for anyone connecting over a data-limited network, like mobile) and performance issues as all downloaded code executes in the browser. In the end, users end up with a bloated mess, but at least the “engineers” got the code out in time. They are literally, as the saying goes, “getting shit done”...and just as we wouldn't call someone working in a kitchen combining prepared foods into what must only loosely be described as a “dish” a “chef”, we shouldn't call those who create the monstrosities only loosely termed a “user interface” an “engineer”.

We must, as a community, get back to building actual user interfaces. We must, as a community, stop the madness. We must, as a community, become engineers again. Get the HTML out of your JavaScript. Get the CSS out of your JavaScript. Build agnostic, slim interfaces that everyone can use. We must, as a community, because we are the only ones who can.


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